End the Violence.
Israel is currently engaging in the mass killing of civilians. The current representative of MN’s 2nd district voted to give Israel 26 billion dollars to continue the violence. When elected to Congress, I would advocate for an immediate end to weapons shipments to Israel.
Defend Abortion.
Women’s right to choose is currently under attack. Republicans have rolled back abortion rights in most states, and many discuss the possibility of a federal ban. As your representative, I would fight for every woman’s right to choose via the codification of Roe v. Wade.
Fight Corruption.
Corporations and big money interests dominate our political system. I believe Congress should pursue any and all legislation to ban corporate money buying influence in our government. The United States is by the People, for the People, and it should never be for sale.
Stop Inflation.
A study from from the Kansas City Fed found that nearly 60% of inflation is the result of corporations increasing their profits. In other words, their costs did not rise, they simply took advantage of everyone else raising their prices to get away with price gouging consumers. This practice should be regulated and criminalized. Minnesota was hurting enough after Covid without every corporation ripping them off.
Protect the Environment.
This year, state health officials found unsafe levels of forever chemicals in the Mississippi River, off the coast of Hastings. These chemical discharges were linked to Cottage Grove’s 3M plant. This is a local example of the kind of environmental exploitation happening all over the country. Corporations should not be able to destroy the water we drink or the air we breath. And when they do, they should be help accountable for fixing their damage.
Fix Healthcare.
Somehow, in America, our healthcare is the most expensive, provides the least coverage, results in the worst health outcomes in the developed world, and we STILL don’t cover everybody. Our healthcare system is built to make profit off you, not keep you healthy. America should have the greatest healthcare system in the world, and I will fight the insurance and pharmaceutical companies that keep us from achieving that.